There are some men just a-walkin’ around
Their hearts not their own yet their feet on the ground
They work and they love with not a word of complaint
They tirelessly give with the heart of a saint
Diapers are changed while a tiny mouth wails
First steps are taken after several tries and some fails
Words are learned, hugs are given, a hero is created
Mom reflects back to when she and daddy first dated
Things were much simpler, no back talk or tangled hair
And also, we had a few free minutes to spare
Soccer games, bath time, teachers’ gifts to create
Homework & outfit battles – these now are dad’s fate
Soon boyfriends and dances, good luck to those who dare
For daddy will die for those two girls you see there
They’re growing and learning each second that ticks by
And it’s all because HE is a truly amazing guy
So look at your dad, your husband or brother
Thank them today & hug one another
The reasons that we are so incredibly rad
Are the guys we have called and some we’ve made “Dad”
Very, very cute!!
Very True!!